Periodic updates on what we've been up to at Chortek from a technology perspective. We are a software and IT service provider in the Midwest, USA, supporting Sage, Microsoft, and virtual infrastructures.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Recently helped a customer with tighter ERP-CRM integration
Recently made it easier for a customer to find contacts in their CRM by enhancing the mapping from their ERP system.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Providing consulting expertise for an ERP project
C&G is assisting a new, out-of-state client review their ERP system setups and make recommendations on those areas that could be changed to be more effective and productive as they combine two company operations into one. C&G will also be conducting on –site training for their uses to maximize knowledge transfer so they can meet their January 2010 go live date.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sage MAS 500 7.3 is shipping
Sage is shipping MAS 500 version 7.3. Read a highlight of the new features and benefits in this document.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Internet Web Site Filtering
We are asked regularly by our clients how to control what web site content is viewed by employees. Often, we’re also asked about filtering home web browsing. In the business environment, there are legal risks to allowing employees to view whatever content they wish on the company Internet connection. The best place to prevent these problems is to control the connection itself, rather than installing complicated software-based solutions.
We have recommended and implemented Sonicwall’s content filtering solution for several years. This solution lets business owners simply implement their Internet usage policy by selecting which categories of web sites are blocked from view by employees. It is possible to more granularly control which groups of employees can be held to different policies, however this is an extra administrative burden and cost rarely implemented by our client base.
At home, installation of a Sonicwall is certainly a high quality solution, however, many people do not want to spend the $300 to $500 required to install a business-class firewall at home. A very simple solution to this issue is to filter web sites based on their DNS entries. DNS is the “phone book” of the Internet, allowing computers to find web site addresses. By using a special DNS system that is designed to filter out the addresses of objectionable web sites, you can enforce web site filtering on a basic level at little or no cost at home: A technically gifted child can figure out the system and change it back to unrestricted browsing. However, most children would not figure out how to bypass this system, and can be prevented from doing so with additional lock-down of access to network settings on the computer.
We have recommended and implemented Sonicwall’s content filtering solution for several years. This solution lets business owners simply implement their Internet usage policy by selecting which categories of web sites are blocked from view by employees. It is possible to more granularly control which groups of employees can be held to different policies, however this is an extra administrative burden and cost rarely implemented by our client base.
At home, installation of a Sonicwall is certainly a high quality solution, however, many people do not want to spend the $300 to $500 required to install a business-class firewall at home. A very simple solution to this issue is to filter web sites based on their DNS entries. DNS is the “phone book” of the Internet, allowing computers to find web site addresses. By using a special DNS system that is designed to filter out the addresses of objectionable web sites, you can enforce web site filtering on a basic level at little or no cost at home: A technically gifted child can figure out the system and change it back to unrestricted browsing. However, most children would not figure out how to bypass this system, and can be prevented from doing so with additional lock-down of access to network settings on the computer.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Automating vendor rebates
C&G recently assisted a customer with allocating vendor rebates to their purchase order receipt of goods and invoice process. This allows the customer to more accurately capture the true cost of the item after the rebate amount is received. The rebate amounts go into a rebate receivable general ledger account, pending the eventual receipt of a check or on-account credit from their vendor.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Using MS MapPoint to link to live ERP data

Microsoft MapPoint is a decent tool to analyze business data geographically: sales by region/state, pinpoint customer, prospects, etc.
The screenshot to the right shows MapPoint 'pinpointing' the location of live field service requests out of Sage ERP: the yellow pins represent 'dispatched' tickets whereas the red pins represent service requests not yet scheduled.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Windows 7 is Officially Released
We’ve been testing Windows 7 for many months, and today is its official “birthday”. After the market clearly dictated to Microsoft that its Vista operating system was not going to become the primary business operating system, Microsoft worked very hard to produce Windows 7. We’re happy to report that our testing of the operating system has proven it to be reliable, fast, and easy to use.
Windows 7 is different than Windows XP - and it needed to be, for security, reliability, and currency with software demands. For people having used Windows XP for the past 8 years, it will take getting used to. The effort to adapt to the change is worth it, in our judgement.
How do you adopt Windows 7 in your business? We can help. The task requires confirming that your business software is compatible with Windows 7, then planning the upgrade path. Even if a migration to Windows 7 is not planned, it is important to prepare for the fact that equipment makers are very quickly going to be selling exclusively Windows 7 on new computers.
Here is the official home page for Windows 7:
Windows 7 is different than Windows XP - and it needed to be, for security, reliability, and currency with software demands. For people having used Windows XP for the past 8 years, it will take getting used to. The effort to adapt to the change is worth it, in our judgement.
How do you adopt Windows 7 in your business? We can help. The task requires confirming that your business software is compatible with Windows 7, then planning the upgrade path. Even if a migration to Windows 7 is not planned, it is important to prepare for the fact that equipment makers are very quickly going to be selling exclusively Windows 7 on new computers.
Here is the official home page for Windows 7:
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Site revamp
We've updated the look of our website today; we'll be making additional improvements and adding more content in the next two weeks.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Relearning Microsoft Outlook
Get to Know Microsoft Outlook
Though you may have used it for years, there are probably “tips and tricks” that may save you time every day when you use Microsoft Outlook. Some of these features work only when your organization has an Exchange Server, and others work with generic Internet mailboxes. Check out these links:
Though you may have used it for years, there are probably “tips and tricks” that may save you time every day when you use Microsoft Outlook. Some of these features work only when your organization has an Exchange Server, and others work with generic Internet mailboxes. Check out these links:
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Windows 7 Feature Focus: XP Mode
One of the biggest considerations before rolling out a new operating system to your business is whether the software you rely on is compatible. Windows 7, due for official release in October, addresses this issue by bundling “XP Mode” with the business versions of Windows 7. This feature allows older software that is not compatible with Windows 7 to still be ran on a Windows 7 computer using virtualization technology.
A detailed article about Windows 7 XP Mode can be found here:
A detailed article about Windows 7 XP Mode can be found here:
Friday, October 2, 2009
New add-on for Sage MAS 90 / MAS 200 - "Purchasing Agent"
There is a new, powerful purchasing automation tool available for Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200: "Purchasing Agent". The tool automates the process of generating purchase orders based on your company's demand sources, dramatically reducing the time it takes to generate orders and manage inventory.
Although a new offering, the tool is based on a well proven, existing add-on called JobOps which many of our clients have been using for years. "Purchasing Agent" does not require full JobOps and can easily be added to MAS 90 or MAS 200.
Give us a ring to learn more about it or to see it in action.
Although a new offering, the tool is based on a well proven, existing add-on called JobOps which many of our clients have been using for years. "Purchasing Agent" does not require full JobOps and can easily be added to MAS 90 or MAS 200.
Give us a ring to learn more about it or to see it in action.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Recent project - secure file transfer
We recently implemented Biscom Delivery Server for a professional services firm.
This software allows a business to host their own secure email and file delivery system. A button is added to Microsoft Outlook allowing one-click security to encrypt and protect sensitive information from traveling openly over the Internet, as email does. Large files can now be sent to/received from customers securely, while reducing the problem of large attachments clogging the email system.
More information on this software is found here:
This software allows a business to host their own secure email and file delivery system. A button is added to Microsoft Outlook allowing one-click security to encrypt and protect sensitive information from traveling openly over the Internet, as email does. Large files can now be sent to/received from customers securely, while reducing the problem of large attachments clogging the email system.
More information on this software is found here:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Rogue Antivirus and Antispyware Programs
A recent, major hindrance to efficiency on PCs has been the massive increase in fake antivirus and antispyware programs. These web pages or applications purport to have found security problems on your computer, and often intrusively insist that you pay to activate their full functionality to fix "the problem" they have reported. This is nothing more than technological blackmail. Though some of the items reported may, in fact, be real issues (the existence of cookie files in your web browser file folders, the existence of old entries in the Windows Registry for programs previously uninstalled, etc.) these items may not even be a real threat to your computer or data. The application itself can use many resources on your computer, display pop-up ads, and even install other applications without your knowledge or approval.
Microsoft has an article describing this threat as well as the best practices for avoiding the problem:
Best practices include:
Microsoft has an article describing this threat as well as the best practices for avoiding the problem:
Best practices include:
- using a strong firewall solution
- using antispyware and antivirus software on your computers
- keeping current with security patches.
The maintenance measures of these best practices are automated by the systems at C&G Consulting for our Managed Network Service clients.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
When does a Completed PO drop off the open PO file in MAS 90 / MAS 200?
If you are a Sage MAS 90 / MAS 200 user, follow this link for a recent Sage Community post that clarifies when completed POs drop off the open file:
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Alerting technology used to help in the collections process
C&G recently created a process, using email alerting software, for a client wishing to automate their collections process for overdue invoices. As soon as an invoice reaches 1 day overdue, the alerting software will send an email to the customer, gently reminding them that the invoice is overdue and thanking them for their business. This happens without the client's manual intervention.
C&G has helped numerous companies with similar and much more sophisticated alerts. The tools works with most ERP systems. Call us today to learn more.
C&G has helped numerous companies with similar and much more sophisticated alerts. The tools works with most ERP systems. Call us today to learn more.
New Security Flaw from Microsoft
We are proactively assisting our Managed Network Service clients who are affected by the latest serious security flaw from Microsoft. Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista are at risk for a security flaw which enables malicious people to crash your computer by simply sending it one packet of information.
The temporary fix for the flaw is detailed here:
If your computer is behind a firewall, as most are, you are at lower risk for this flaw and if your computer is not running Server 2008 or Vista, you are also not affected. Feel free to contact our Support Center at 262-522-8226 if you have questions or concerns.
The temporary fix for the flaw is detailed here:
If your computer is behind a firewall, as most are, you are at lower risk for this flaw and if your computer is not running Server 2008 or Vista, you are also not affected. Feel free to contact our Support Center at 262-522-8226 if you have questions or concerns.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Another Wireless Network Security Standard Falls
Reported a few week ago, hackers can now breach the security of wireless networks protected by WPA-TKIP, a common network security protocol which replaced the last standard to fall victim to hacking, WEP. Wireless networks are not safe from proven hacking techniques unless they are encrypted using WPA-AES, the newer version of WPA. If you are unsure of your wireless network security, contact us to take a look at your network. Without proper wireless security, your entire network is open to anyone within wireless range. More information on the recent breaking of WPA-TKIP is found here:
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Decent free website monitoring
If you have ever gotten a call or email from someone telling you that your web site is down, consider setting up an account at The free account can alert you via email when your web site is not available and when it comes back on line. This is a good tool for accountability of the service level agreement from your web site hosting company. If you would like to monitor the status of your own internal servers, Internet connection, email delivery, antivirus system status and more, consider our own Managed Network Service alerting system.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Capturing data at the time of product receipt
We recently assisted a company with streamlining the receiving inspection process by moving the required measurement data, and the measurements taken at the time of receipt, to being stored electronically inside of their ERP system instead of on paper. This allows for not only quicker retrieval of inspection information but also detailed analysis of inspection of an item over time.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Virtualization saves hardware resources
We recently began the process of moving a client towards a fully virtualized environment based on VMware. The client had two aging servers which were approaching their warranty expiration. Rather than replacing the servers one-for-one, two new computers were "bonded" together using VMWare software. The servers and their software can now keep running even if one of the physical servers has a hardware failure. In the near future, virtualized workstations will be joining the servers in this environment, removing reliance on the individual desktop computer from their business.
Automating complex inventory pricing rules
C&G is working with a client to define the scope and specifications for a custom pricing system giving them the tools needed to automate their current manual pricing operations and simplify ongoing price management to quickly adjust pricing to take advantage of both positive and negative changes in the market place. This pricing data will then be programmatically loaded into Sage MAS 500 ERP for use in order entry and invoicing.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Recent Sage Community post - Dynamic hyperlinks in MAS 90 / MAS 200
Helpful post regarding dynamic hyperlinks in MAS 90 / MAS 200 using Custom Office.
Monday, August 17, 2009
C&G Attended the Sage MAS 90 / MAS 200 4.40 Beta Kick-Off
As we've done numerous times in the past, C&G will soon begin beta testing Sage's next release of MAS 90 / MAS 200, version 4.40. This version includes a re-write to the inventory, purchase order, and bill of materials modules, it will exploit the 4.x object framework, and is also expected to contain feature enhancements. C&G will test the software for several months and provide feedback to Sage to assist in a smooth release of the final product.
Friday, August 14, 2009
New EDI Trading Partner Setup
An existing customer who uses Sage MAS 500 to manage their business contacted C&G recently to request assistance with adding a new EDI trading partner, Huf North America, to their existing system. We worked directly, on behalf of our customer, with their customer to coordinate the details and were able to receive a test transaction soon thereafter. Testing is currently in process to ensure that the transactions flow into and out of their ERP system smoothly.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
MAS 500 project kick-off at OnCourse Learning
On August 1st C&G and OnCourse Learning officially kicked off the Sage MAS 500 implementation project for two of OnCourse Learnings entities: American Home Inspectors Institute (AHIT) and Specialized Solutions, Inc. (SSI). OnCourse Learning is a parent/umbrella entity that focuses on specific verticals within the training industry. AHIT, located in Waukesha, WI is a national leader in home inspection training with a portfolio of products including courses delivered as live classes, homestudy and online. SSI, located in Clearwater, FL is a provider of training solutions for computer professionals seeking IT certifications.
After extensive comparisons, OnCourse selected Sage MAS 500 over Microsoft Dynamics-GP for their new ERP solution. OnCourse was confident that the C&G team understood their business needs and would implement a solution to give them the tools necessary to effectively operate under one financial solution using the MAS 500 core accounting and deferred revenue/contract management applications. Both entities will be migrating from QuickBooks and a plethora of manual systems. As part of the project, AHIT will be integrating their current Sage SalesLogix CRM system with the MAS 500 software. The Go Live for the project is set for January 1, 2010.
After extensive comparisons, OnCourse selected Sage MAS 500 over Microsoft Dynamics-GP for their new ERP solution. OnCourse was confident that the C&G team understood their business needs and would implement a solution to give them the tools necessary to effectively operate under one financial solution using the MAS 500 core accounting and deferred revenue/contract management applications. Both entities will be migrating from QuickBooks and a plethora of manual systems. As part of the project, AHIT will be integrating their current Sage SalesLogix CRM system with the MAS 500 software. The Go Live for the project is set for January 1, 2010.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Recent Sage Community thread - Creditcard Transfers
We support many customers that use Sage software to run their business. The Sage MAS Online Community is an area of Sage's website that allows customers of Sage software to share ideas and connect with one another. The forum board allows you to search prior posts, answer questions from other users, or create your own post to ask a question. Sage Software support personnel do monitor the site and may periodically respond to posts. Registration is FREE.
The following recent thread explains how to perform creditcard transfers:
The following recent thread explains how to perform creditcard transfers:
C&G Expands to Chicago
We are thrilled to announce our expansion to Chicago. We put the press release on our main page:
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