Monday, April 4, 2011

Microsoft Access and Sage Peachtree - An Unusual But Effective Pairing!

C&G Consulting is in the process of assisting a Sage Peachtree Accounting user who would like to process salesperson commissions outside their accounting system.

Through the use of Open Database Connectivity (ODBC ) we are now able to address the data tables of the Sage Peachtree system and use this information to analyze the data using the features readily available in Microsoft Access. Additionally, the Microsoft Access environment permits complete control over adding additional data pertainent to managing commissions (in this case) that are otherwise unavailable in the Sage Peachtree Accounting system. Together the two systems work nicely together to provide an efficient and effective way to manage and maintain the end-user's commission program.

If you have questions about custom software development or Sage Peachtree, please contact us for more information!

Learn more about Sage Peachtree.

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